Thursday, February 28, 2013

Two Hat Thursday

Because we are such a clever bunch of learners today we pushed our brains that little bit harder and used two hats to explore our books.

Black Hat
What was the main problem or challenge in the book?

Green Hat
Describe the way that the problem/challenge was solved in to story.
Create a new way to solve the problem.

Black Hat
Green Hat

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Red Hat Tuesday

The 'red hat' is all about feelings.
Our key question when exploring our books today was - "How did the main characters feel?" and "What made you think that?" (evidence).

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday is "White Hat" day.

As part of our literacy programme this week we are focusing on the the different types of thinking we might need to help us understand the books we read.

Monday's thinkers hat is 'White'.
The white hat is about facts, what information we have and specific things that the book tells us or shows us.

We are working co-operatively in our reading groups to help clarify our thinking. After we were finished we reflected on how our group worked together using the yellow hat (what worked well) and black hat (what problems arose or what we could do better).

Friday, February 22, 2013

Exploring the Rocky Shore

As part of immersing ourselves into our Term One topic of exploring the Rocky Shore all of Kuranui School, Flat Stanley and a very supportive group of parents journeyed across the Kaimais to Mount Maunganui.
Flat Stanley had a brilliant time doing all sorts of exciting things that he had never experienced before:
- hunting for crabs, limpets, rock cod, seaweed, etc
- having a picnic with loads of children and playing on a super cool playground
- swimming at Pilot Bay
- kayaking in single and double kayaks
- building sandcastles and playing different games on the beach
- hiking around the Mt and having seaweed throwing battles
- sharing fish 'n' chips with big kids and small kids
- watching the Queen Elizabeth ship sail out of the harbour

Check out some of our wonderful photos

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bike Wise

Constable Louise and Lee from Project Energize came out and spent the afternoon teaching us all about bike safety. We practiced the skills we need to ride on the road and tested our bravery going over see-saws, ramps and staircases.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Our new class member unfolds it's wings...

Today there was great excitement in our classroom when one of the monarch butterfly chrysalises started to hatch.
We watched enchanted as slowly but surely a gorgeous new butterfly came into the world.